Visit our ring design site here:
Choose from over 12,000 loose diamonds in Round, Princess Cut, Marquois, Brilliant Square, Ideal Cut, Emerald Cut, Cushion, Oval, Ascher and More.
Build and price your ring with hundeds of setting options and metale. Platinum, 14K gold,. 18k gold, White Gold. You name it we can build it - Actually, your can build it. Right online and infront of your eyes. Get an instant price. Change the stone, the setting, the metal, the size. The sky is the limit. You design the ring any way you want. You can choose to just play or you can buy the diamond ring that you designed direct!
Shop our loose diamond inventoryAmidon Jewelers also has many pre-designed rings that are ready for next day shipment in a wide variety of styles and price ranges. Best ring selection in the Upper Valley or nearly anywhere! Browse our pre-made rings at Amidon Jewelers online store here You can even check out one of these rings and then jump to the design section and use a new idea to design and price your own ring.